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  1. I'm insane!!!!

    Stop me if you have heard this one before ...

    "Reapeating the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome is the very definition of insanity."

    But here I am. once again ... Writing on this bog....

    Slowly searching the keyboard ... trying to see the letters ... working from word to word ... in a valiant effort to make sense ... to not forget because of short term memory loss, what I was trying to ssay. If you are just happening ...
    Tags: blog
  2. No excuses!!!

    Only an explenation.

    Oddly enough ... The only comments I have received of late is that I have seemingly abanded my blog.

    Interesting ...

    Who knew anyone is reading it.

    So let me catch you up on what's been going on ...


    My best friend from Jr. High. still play RPGs together. He is currently wanting to run Traveller in Fantasy Grounds. Here's the hitch. ...
  3. Fear of the Unknown

    Quote Originally Posted by H.P. Lovecraft
    The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.
    For the initial part of this discussion, I intend to elaborate on elements that Lovecraft discusses in his Supernatural Horror in Literature article.

    Lovecraft truly hit the nail on the head with this statement. Whenever time is spent contemplating the true nature of fear, the road inevitably leads to the unknown. There are greater philosophers ...
    Writing , Horror
  4. Let's Talk - Mental Illness

    Today is Bell Let's Talk day.


    Please do your part and reach out to someone you know if you suspect they may be going through this challenge. Even a few years ago I personally never thought a day like this would have much meaning for me; now I realize that it does.

    Bell will donate $0.05 to mental health initiatives for every:

    [LIST][*]Text message sent by a Bell or Bell Aliant customer only. Regular ...
  5. The Confusing Country - Or - Understanding Australia

    by , March 18th, 2014 at 15:38 (From The *Somewhat Twisted* Mind Of Dulux-Oz)
    On the grounds that some of you may end up travelling to the Land Downunder some day, I thought I'd post a bit of a “Survival Guide” to ensure that you understand us Ozzies and enjoy your time here.


    Australia is a very confusing place, taking up a large amount of the bottom half of the planet. It is recognisable from orbit because of many unusual features, including what at first looks like an enormous bite taken out of its southern edge; a wall of sheer cliffs ...
    Tags: comedy
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