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  1. Useful shortcuts and tips to use in Fantasy Grounds

    This is a list of useful "Tips & Tricks" for the Fantasy Grounds VTT, contributed by users on the forums. I tried to credit everyone who provided anything on the list. You can find the original post stickied in The Tavern.

    *Dragging the "Next Actor / End Turn" button from the Combat Tracker to a hotkey.
    Especially useful for players who may not always have the Combat Tracker open.

    *Dragging Damage/Healing/Attack Rolls/Spell Saves from chat ...

    Updated September 19th, 2018 at 08:09 by Skillkoil

  2. Dungeon 23


    What is the meaning of two posts in two days. Who are you and what have you done witn John?

    Don"t you hate coming late to the party?

    I do.

    But here I am.

    So I don"t know, with all the YouTube I watch that I didn't see this.

    Called The Dungeon 23 Challenge is atribited to Shawn McCoy, creator of The Mother ship. The concept is simple. One creates a mega dungeon. It consist of a dungeon ...

    Updated September 4th, 2023 at 18:09 by Moon Wizard

    Tags: dungeon 23
  3. How to Build a Successful Long-term Gaming Group

    “Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others.”

    - Otto Von Bismark

    As the popularity of online tabletop RPGs explodes, so too does the collective frustration of all the new players who can’t find a game. I have been successfully playing RPGs online for over 10 years now and want to share some hard-earned wisdom that will help you improve the odds of having a great experience.

    Many of you have come ...

    Updated August 23rd, 2017 at 11:04 by Answulf

  4. A Neophyte Tackles the FG Extension - Share the Combat Map

    I will explain how I have set up my Fantasy Grounds development environment to make it easier for me to go into the rulesets, edit them and observe how it affects FG.

    Detour: As a prospective content developer you must be familiar with the Windows (or whatever OS you’re using) folder or directory structure and you must know how to manipulate it: make folders, copy and rename files, create shortcuts, etc. I am assuming that you have this knowledge.

    Nobody enjoys, End ...

    Updated May 18th, 2016 at 01:56 by Minty23185Fresh

  5. Using Fantasy Grounds with an in-person gaming group

    My new blog talks about my recent experience in hosting my normally online group in person. I recently had a "milestone" birthday and my friends came to my place to celebrate and we played in-person instead of online. It was a lot of fun and I detail out my thoughts on the experience. Includes a link to a very good option to build your own gaming table with a TV embedded into it.
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