2024 Summer Sale
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  1. Today is the first day of the rest of your life ...

    Well here we are.

    It has been some time since I have written in this blog. It had become too much of a drain upon my time between work, life and of course ... my game. So what has changed? Well thank God, it is not life. I still have one. Likewise I am bless still to have friends to play with. (In fact ... I, a lifetime DM will be a player in an upcoming Traveller campaign.) What has changed?

    I've retired.

    Not completely my idea. After years of hard work, ...
  2. Now Hiring - Full-Stack Network Developer/Engineer (Filled)

    Full-stack Network Developer / Engineer

    Update System
    SmiteWorks is looking for a full-stack network engineer and developer to fine-tune our systems for Fantasy Grounds Unity (FGU). FGU uses a new update patch system and installer written in Unity with a back-end LAMP system for internal use publishing content. The system works now but we want to vastly improve the experience, speed and capabilities of this system. We are looking for ways to dramatically increase the speed ...

    Updated July 23rd, 2020 at 21:34 by ddavison

  3. Message of the day

    If one has used Fantasy Grounds for any length of time, you have probably interacted with Delux-Oz. Incredibly active, this man seems to have a helpful answer for everything posted. He also has created mods and extensions that definitely dial up this tabletop up a couple levels. If I get into a discussion about FG over Roll 20 ... I say we got Delux-Oz.

    Thank you, Good Sir, for all you do.

    The extension I would like to highlight with this post is the "Message ...
  4. Why I Oppose Paid Games

    by , September 29th, 2017 at 14:27 (From The *Somewhat Twisted* Mind Of Dulux-Oz)
    First of all, this is not aimed at any one individual or group of individuals. Instead, it is an explanation of my views on an activity, not on the people who engage in that activity.

    For the record, when I use the term "paid game" I am referring to RPG sessions where the Players pay the GM to run the game for them.

    As the title of this blog indicates I am opposed to paid games. I find the idea... distasteful, even cheap. While I hold no ill will to those ...
  5. Oh wow Didnt know I still had this

    Quote Originally Posted by Willot View Post
    Many years ago I use to play Dark Age of Camelot. Over a period of time I created a story involving people in my guild.
    As time went on other people in the guild kept wanting to put them in the story too, so please excuse the number of characters.
    OH my character was Rokar
    PS unfortunately I appear to have lost the final parts. (each part came out randomly) If you wish to read it here it is

    Part 1

    A twig snapped.
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